Friday, August 26, 2011

Still NO Pictures!

I know how boring no pictures...but I found this "present" from USA Today insert  that was in our Sunday paper January 1989 and wanted to share it with you!


No one will ever get out of this world alive. Resolve therefore to maintain a reasonable sense of values.

Take care of yourself.  Good health is everyone's major source of wealth.  Without it, happiness is almost impossible.

Resolve to be cheerful and helpful.  People will repay you in kind.

Avoid angry, abrasive persons.  They are generally vengeful.

Avoid zealots.  They are generally humorless.

Resolve to listen more and talk less.  No one ever learns anything talking. (I need to work on this one!  I talk all the time!  It's in my genes!)

Be chary of giving advice.  Wise men don't need it & fools won't heed it.

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving & tolerant of the weak  & the wrong.  Sometime in life you will have been all of these.

Do not equate money with success.  There are many successful moneymakers who are miserable failures and human beings.  What counts most about success is how a person achieves it.
Author Lloyd Shearer

I also want to say that everyone that is touched or will be touched by Hurricane Irene is in my prayers and thoughts.  I hope you will all be safe and well.  God Bless.

Wherever you  are Whatever you are doing I hope you have a wonderfully happy weekend!